Why Bitcoin
Many times I have spoken to friends about Bitcoin and the blockchain to try to explain why it is so revolutionary as a concept. It is for some people a complex topic to understand so I decided to write this little article explaining it a bit and expressing my general opinion on the matter.
Crypto-balance.online cryptocurrency tracker
Some time ago I read that many people are storing their cryptocurrency balances on apps and this is not good from a privacy point. These apps are very convenient but have the downside that when you store your balances, this information in synced to online servers for your convenience. However, the crypto world is quickly expanding and some of those sites are not always very secure and can leak precious information. Ledger itself, being a very reputable hardware wallet manufacturer had a security breach which exposed thousands of their customer’s details: July 2020 Ledger leak. This information will then be potentially used for targeted attacks on crpytocurrency hodlers. This is why I decided to create my own anonymous cryptocurrency tracker tool.
Automatic Plugin Deployment to WordPress.org with Github actions
Git is an immensly popular and useful tool among developers. There are also other version tracking systems such as SVN, which you will need to work with if you plan to upload an opensource plugin to wordpress.org. I personally don’t like SVN too much and that is why I looked up how to automate code delivery to SVN from within Github Actions. This could also be done easily with any other automation service but I decided to give Github Actions a try.
Deploying WordPress to Gandi Simple Hosting with GitLab CI
For this experiment I wanted to automate a Wordpress website installation using GIT into my Gandi Simple Hosting instance. Along the way I came across several roadblocks which led me to using GitLab CI/CD which I had been wanting to try for some time so I thought this was a good exercise for my curiosity and below I describe how I got it working.
Starting With Jekyll
This website has been online for quite some time as a WordPress blog. I know WordPress very well but never really put much time into maintaining a website of my own. I decided that I wanted to update the site to a different platform and make it as minimalistic as possible so I decided to give Jekyll a try.